Welcome to Nightside Investigation's San Francisco website.

We are one of San Francisco 's oldest investigation agencies, with a tradition of service that spans over five decades.

From this page, you can learn about our team of experts that are on call to serve your needs, day and night.

You will also find out about the various services we offer and how to contact us to make an appointment for a consultation and to learn about very reasonable rates.

We assure you that helping you and satisfying your needs is our primary concern and your consultation and needs will be completely confidential.

Thank you for choosing Nightside Investigations


Choose one of the links below for more information:

Our San Francisco Office Location - Easy to find in downtown San Francisco.

Our Expert Staff - Ready to assist you most any time, day or night.

Common jargon used by our staff - As they apply to the various investigations that we have been invollved in.

Cases that we have solved - To help you understand the wide variety of experience that we have.

Client Testimony - What our satisfied clients have to say about us.

Norman's Notes - Notes and research data collected by Norman Welch, our Esoteric Studies consultant.


Eden City Information

Nightside Investigations Eden City Office

Contact us!




Disclaimer: This site is for a ficticious occult investigation agency and should not be considered an actual offer of services. Any cases discussed are "investigations" that were played around a table top, amongst friends, while playing a roleplaying game. If you have difficulty discerning reality from fiction / make-believe / roleplaying games, please look elsewhere for what you seek.